The more we know about how to protect ourselves and our children, the greater our ability to prevail if we find ourselves in a life threatening situation. “Self Defense for Women & Children” could be the best weapon in your home to accomplish just that.
“Self Defense for Women & Children” discusses topics that most of us easily overlook in our daily lives.
Learn more about such things as:
Defining the enemy – reveals all the potential predators we come in contact with including many that we would never suspect.
Keeping your home environment safe – this goes beyond fire and burglar alarms to include information about who you allow into your home.
How to insure that you are safe in public places – when you are out and about there are steps you can take and teach your children about behaviors that may keep them safe from harm.
Learn about how to be safer in your car – and it isn’t just car alarms although they are covered.
Protect your children from online predators – how do you identify a potential problem and what to do about it.
Protect yourself from identity theft – if you think this can’t happen to you, think again, you’ll be amazed at just how simple it is to lose your identity to a thief.
Most women today are working mothers – what to look for to insure you select the right daycare center.
And much more!
This 62 page PDF ebook comes with Master Resell Rights and costs just $1.00!