GSolutions eBooks Facts Stranger Than Fiction: The Wonders of Prayer

Facts Stranger Than Fiction: The Wonders of Prayer

A Record Of Well Authenticated And Wonderful Answers to Prayer

The incidents which are published in this volume, are vouched for upon the strongest proofs of authenticity possible to obtain, and are either of circumstances known amid my own experience, or connected with the lives of my correspondents and their friends.

They are the thankful record and tribute to the power of persevering faith.

Nothing has been published concerning which there is the least shadow of doubt. All have been carefully investigated.

Every case has been one of real prayer, and the results that have come, came only in answer to the prayer of faith, and were not possible to obtain without it.

They demonstrate to a wonderful degree, the immediate practical ways of the Lord with his children in this world, that He is far nearer and more intimate with their plans and pursuits than it is possible for them to realize….


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