GSolutions eBooks Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre


Jane Eyre is a classic victorian novel that covers the different stages of the title character's life.

First is Jane's childhood with her aunt and cousins who are emotionally abusive. 

Next when she is sent off to Lowood school.  Although life is hard at Lowood she makes friends and has role models.

After her education she works as the governess of Thornfield Manor.  Here she falls in love with her employer, Edward Rochester.

Next whe moves on to the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House) and Morton. Here her cold cousin proposes to her but she is reunited with her beloved Edward Rochester. 

This novel is in part, an autobiography of Charlotte Bronte. It is a must have, classical with sinister gothic elements!

This 380 page PDF ebook comes with Master Resell Rights and costs just $1.00!


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