GSolutions eBooks Your Business and Mobile Computing

Your Business and Mobile Computing



"Brand-New Private Label Ecourse Lets You Easily  Teach Your Customers and Subscribers The Basics of Mobile Computing For Their Business"

In this course you'll be able to provide your subscribers with great information that they can actually use!

You will teach them…

Exactly what mobile computing is and what it can do for their business.

The emergence of M- Commerce and how it affects their business, so they don't get left behind!

The effects of mobile computing on society and how it applies to their business.

Some of the common myths associated with mobile computing that may be clouding their judgment, so that they can put them aside and make an informed decision about using mobile devices in their business.

Some of the disadvantages of mobile computing, so that they can decide whether or not it is a good fit for their business.
This 5-day ecourse comes in text and word.doc format for easy editing and includes Private Label Rights!

Retail Price: $9.97
Our Price: $1.00



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