A Great Looking Lawn Doesn’t Have To Cost Hundreds Of Dollars Or Require The Use Of A Professional Lawn Care Service. All You Need Is This Incredible Book!
Did you know there are over a hundred varieties of grasses in the world that can be used for landscaping? Making a decision like which seed you should use can be exasperating and just plain confusing! This book tells you about the most popular types of grasses out there and which ones are suited for particular climates.
Then it goes even further. It tells you about watering your lawn to promote growth, what to look for in a fertilizer, and even how to pick out a lawn mower. Even the lawn care novice will be able to cultivate a beautiful and lush lawn after reading this book.
Weeds are the bane of any lawn care regimen. And with some of those weeds, there’s not much you can do to get rid of them without killing your grass. Do you know how to recognize and get rid of these weeds?
Inside the pages of this book, you’ll learn ways to get rid of these weeds forever or at least keep them from taking over your whole yard.
Don’t have a lawn mower yet? No problem! This book reviews the top types of mowers and gives characteristics of each so you can make the right decision about which mower is right for you. Plus, it gives a step by step guide on tuning up your mower and how to prepare it to withstand winter.
What I found especially helpful, though, was the sections on landscaping and how to build your own backyard (or front yard) waterfall. My wife loved it too because it gave her a way to participate in the yard work and she had a blast building our rock water garden.
Landscaping is also part of making your yard something to be proud of. “Lawn Care – Professional Lawn Care For Your Home – By You!” tells you about the most popular plants, shrubs, and trees that will make your yard beautiful.
See beautiful full color photos of:
Azalea bushes
Butterfly bushes
English Boxwood shrub
Winterberry Holly
And more!
Plus, learn what conditions these plants need to grow best in and how to place them in your yard so you get the look you are trying to achieve!
Lawn care is more than just mowing the grass once a week. To have a really spectacular lawn, you need to know much more than that! Arm yourself with the best information around. Order “Lawn Care – Professional Lawn Care For Your Home – By You!”
This PDF ebook also comes with Private Label Rights. Just $1.00!