GSolutions eBooks Wolf Hunters: A Tale of Adventure in the Wilderness

Wolf Hunters: A Tale of Adventure in the Wilderness



I. The Fight in the Forest

II. How Wabigoon Became a White Man

III. Roderick Sees the Footprint

IV. Roderick's First Taste of the Hunter's Life

V. Shots in the Wilderness

VI. Mukoki Disturbs the Ancient Skeletons

VII. Roderick Discovers the Buckskin Bag

VIII. How Wolf Became the Companion of Men

IX. Wolf Takes Vengeance Upon His People

X. Roderick Explores the Chasm

XI. Roderick's Dream

XII. The Secret of the Skeleton's Hand

XIII. Snowed In

XIV. The Rescue of Wabigoon

XV. Roderick Holds the Woongas at Bay

XVI. The Surprise at the Post



From the edge of the spruce forest a young Indian now ran out upon the surface of the lake. His breath was coming quickly, but with excitement rather than fatigue. Behind him, less than half a mile away, he could hear the rapidly approaching cry of the hunt-pack, and for an instant he bent his lithe form close to the snow, measuring with the acuteness of his race the distance of the pursuers. Then he looked for his white companion, and failed to see the motionless blot that marked where the other had fallen. A look of alarm shot into his eyes, and resting his rifle between his knees he placed his hands, trumpet fashion, to his mouth and gave a signal call which, on a still night like this, carried for a mile.

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