Thoroughly Investigated True Ghost Stories!
Download Category: Unknown, Unsolved, or Unexplained
Stoneground Ghost TalesStoneground Ghost Tales
Compiled from the Recollections of the Reverend Roland Batchel, Vicar of the Parish
Haunted Places in EnglandHaunted Places in England
Explore the Unknown in England!
Unexplained MysteriesUnexplained Mysteries
For Centuries Mysteries Have Intrigued The Human Mind and Remain A Secret.
Practical Psychomancy and Crystal GazingPractical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing
A Course of Lessons on The Psychic Phenomena of Distant Sensing, Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Crystal Gazing, Etc.
Irish Witchcraft and DemonologyIrish Witchcraft and Demonology
When did witchcraft make its appearance in Ireland, and what was its progress therein?
The Shadow WorldThe Shadow World
Detailed Cases of Unexplained Phenomena
Strange VisitorsStrange Visitors
A series of original papers, embracing philosophy, science, government, religion, poetry, art, fiction, satire, humor, narrative and prophecy.
Practical Mind-ReadingPractical Mind-Reading
A Course of Lessons on Thought-Transference, Telepathy, Mental-Currents, Mental Rapport Containing:
The Astral PlaneThe Astral Plane
The Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena