The Number Of Alien Species in Contact With the Earth Right Now is Nine — With Seven Being Relatively Permanent and Five Being Influential.
The UFO Enigma is jam-packed with tales of conspiracy and cover-up, with radical theories of the 'hows' and 'whys', and with fascinating insights into what might really be going on.
These are just some of the titles you'll find inside…
Missions to the Moon and Mars: Has Someone Got There Ahead of Us?
Did Ancient Astronauts Give Cosmic Knowledge to Primitive Africans?
Mystery Satellite: An Enormous Space Station Orbiting the Earth?
UFOs and the United Nations.
MARS: Monuments, Cities, Pyramids, Roads and Canals!
The Grand Conspiracy: MJ-12 and Government Cover-ups for 50 Years.
Lightships, Black Holes, Anti-Mass Fields: Plenty of Speculation.
The Big Picture: Genetic Engineering for 10,000 Years?
The Moon: What Is This Strange Thing Orbiting Earth?
And 27 more..!
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Retail Price: $37.00
Our Price: $1.00