GSolutions eBooks Java Script Pro

Java Script Pro

Java Script Pro

Make Your Web Pages Come Alive With Our Easy To Use Software!  Push A Few Buttons And Generate Professional Looking Java Scripts For Your Website!

Take a look at what Java Script Pro can do for your website!



   Blur Text-This script creates an eerie aura around your text similar to a motion blur.  A great visual effect!



  Multi-Search Engine-Your visitor can enter in their search term then choose which engine they'd like to search from a drop down menu.



   Page Fade In-Create a GREAT intro for your site!  This script  loads a blank screen and then fades the visitor to the site you're sending them to.



   Flying Text-This script creates a pattern of 8 sets of words to follow as the mouse moves around the screen.



   Alerts-A great script that allows you to welcome and say goodbye to your visitors!



  No SPAM Email- A script that keeps your email address from being  spidered by those pesky SPAM robots.



  Number Countdown-Create a countdown on your website.  Great for showing when those offers expire!



  Refresh-Redirect-Automatically forward your visitors to another page after a given time.



  Dictionary/Thesaurus- A great script that allows your visitors to query related terms



  Exit Windows-Make that last sales pitch before your visitor leaves your site.



 Auto Pop And Close Window- Make windows that automatically open, and then close after a given time period.



  Jumping Text-A great script sure to grab their attention!



 Link Message-Hide affiliate ID's!  Browsers wont be able to view the REAL link address, but instead the message you put in the status bar.



  Typing In Status Bar-Another attention getting script.  The status bar continuously changes!



  Status Bar Wiper- Another fancy display down in the status bar.



Suggested retail price is $34.97.  Get it here for an incredible $1.00!



This is a software application.



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